The Harmful Practices Strategic Partnership is a pan-London, by-and-for-led partnership of statutory, non-statutory and by and for led organisations and other stakeholders. It is coordinated by the Coaction Hub, a partnership project between the Asian Women's Resource Centre and Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse. This platform is unique as it started as an independent collective of professionals and activists associated with the Harmful Practices sector who developed terms of reference that reflected equity and shared leadership.

The group meets every quarter and has satellite meetings on thematic areas decided by members. Meetings are chaired by a global majority-led members and decision-making is positively weighted in favour of by and for organizations as per the terms of reference. HPSP is a platform to support specialist organizations to contribute and be recognized for their expertise to inform policy and strategy within the Coordinated Community Response (CCR).

In 2022 the HPSP responded to the Women and Equalities Committee's call for evidence on so-called honour-based abuse. You can read our response here

In 2023 we held a webinar aimed at London VAWG Leads exploring the advantages of harmful practices operational groups to local VAWG responses. This included examples from two areas discussing how they have set up, coordinated and developed these groups and the benefits for the local coordinated community response. View via the link here.

In 2023 the HPSP produced factsheets on a range of harmful practices to support good practice in statutory and non-statutory agencies in London and to encourage referrals to specialist agencies?

For more information on HPSP, please contact:

STADA: admin@standingtogether.org.uk

AWRC: info@awrc.org.uk